We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.
— – Disciples of Christ Identity Statement
As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.
A Message of Welcoming from the Pastor, Nick:
Life is full of maybes. Maybe you grew up in the church. Maybe you didn’t. Maybe you’re more spiritual than religious. Maybe you think all that religion talk is nonsense. Maybe you love Jesus but you don’t exactly click with most churches. Maybe you felt like you didn’t belong in churches after a life change. Maybe its just been a while and you’d feel weird coming back. Maybe you’re just starting to think about spiritual stuff. Maybe you’ve thought long and hard, and some of your conclusions don’t match up with others. But, maybe you contemplate the meaning of it all, how we ought to live, if there is something out there, etc.
And maybe vague spirituality isn’t enough. In all honesty, we don’t have a unified theory of the whole universe. But, we can do Christianity right. Here at FCC, we think that’s important. Not because other paths lack validity. Not because we want to be one more spiritual salesman in your life. But simply because there is real and life-giving spiritual depth right under our noses!
So, if any of the aforementioned “maybes” sounds like you, I want you to consider coming to worship with us. At no point will we put you on the spot or make it weird. At no point will we try to sell you on some nonsense or force a view that just doesn’t work for you. It’s just not my MO to constantly tell you exactly what to think, but I do want you to have a community that asks the deep questions and seeks better answers together.
Three Commitments for Spiritual Refugees:
- Honest and Straightforward – We don’t throw shame around when hard questions come up. We don’t bait and switch you, turning an invitation into an axe grinding. And we don’t shy away from hard questions. For instance, questions about the Bible’s accuracy, faith and science, other religions, the equality of men and women in the bible, and how we know if any of it is true are all questions that we talk about openly here.
- Open Minded and Christian at the same time – It may go without saying but I’ll say it anyway. I’m a Christian minister. This is a church. We preach and teach from the Bible. So, expect for my answers to be about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, heaven, and things like that. After all, they are the tools and terms given to the Church in order to make sense of it all. But, if those aren’t your answers, that’s ok. You don’t have to be all in or a Bible expert to come to our services, but know that is where I’m coming from. I want to share my perspective and I want you to share yours, too.
- Committed to Flourishing – Simply put, I love it when people are really and truly flourishing in life. Part of that means having their basic needs sorted out. Part of that means knowing who they are and where they fit into the world. Part of that means reflecting and growing. And, part of it means they have a deep purpose that really fulfills them. When I teach, preach, and meet with folks; that is my goal. I don’t want you to memorize a bunch of stuff. I don’t want you to act a certain way. What I want is for you to find your purpose, the reason God put you here. And I want to make sure you have the tools and knowledge to do great things with that purpose. Whatever you’re coming to the table with, bring it. Let’s see you flourish.
You shouldn’t be alone on your spiritual journey. You should have a community that welcomes you and helps you grow no matter what the specifics of that mean to you. If you’re all in on Christianity, come on in. If you have some questions, come on in. If you’re pretty skeptical about it all but have a desire for a real community, come on in. We’re all on this journey together.