“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
– Jesus (Mark 10:14)
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Children’s Sunday School:
We love kids! Every Sunday at 9:00, our children’s Sunday school (K-6th) meets in the Children’s building. Each week starts with music and prayer before we head off to class where we study one big idea each month. On the first Sunday, we have a drama class where we read the scripture and act out the lesson. On the second Sunday, students create crafts that relate to the lesson. On the third Sunday, we have popcorn and watch a short movie on the lesson. On the fourth Sunday, we have a cooking class that relates itself back to the lesson. When there is a fifth Sunday in a month, we use it to work on projects which will act as gifts to the community.
Children’s Church:
During worship, children are invited to stay in the sanctuary. Children’s worship bags are available with activities for those who would enjoy them.
The Nursery:
Children are our special responsibility, entrusted to our care by God. We have a well equipped, routinely maintained nursery. We provide a safe and nurturing environment with age appropriate toys, books, and furnishings. On Sundays, the Nursery opens at 8:45 and closes after worship ends at 11.
Health and Safety Measures:
- Drop off and pick up is monitored by our caregivers. Check in and out whenever needed.
- We use video monitors to record the children’s building, just in case.
- Plans are in place for fire, wind, stranger, and other emergencies.
- The children’s building is a peanut free zone.
- For kids with sensory overload issues, call ahead to schedule a time to walk through the area beforehand.
- If your child is sick (fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. in the last 24 hours), we ask that they remain at home to ensure the wellbeing of others.
- Other accommodations can be made as needed. Feel free to call ahead of time so we can best serve you and your family.